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Leadership Shuffle at the Capitol

Leadership Shuffle at the Capitol

Although this news may have already traveled to you, we wanted to let you know about the leadership shuffle that recently occurred at the California Capitol. In what may have been a domino effect, Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) was unanimously elected as the next Assembly Speaker yesterday by his Democratic colleagues. This came shortly after Chad Mayes (R-Yucca Valley) won the Assembly Republican leadership post and Jean Fuller (R-Bakersfield) took over as Republican leader in the Senate.

Fuller was elected to succeed former Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (R-Diamond Bar) several months ago, so her ascension, though earlier than anticipated, was not entirely unexpected. The timing of Rendon’s and Mayes’ elections doesn’t really come as a surprise, either. Bob Huff is termed out in 2016, as are Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) and Assembly Minority leader Kristin Olsen (R-Modesto). Fuller, who can serve until 2018, assumed her post last week. Mayes, termed out in 2026, will take the reigns from Kristin Olsen in January and Rendon, eligible to serve until 2024, will replace Toni Atkins next year, on a date as yet to be determined.

Lindsay Gullahorn
Legislative Analyst
Capitol Advocacy

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