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Bill Information

AB 1321 (Gipson D) Juvenile facilities: use of chemical spray.

Current Text

Amended: 3/27/2019


4/10/2019-From committee: Do pass and re-refer to Com. on APPR. with recommendation: To Consent Calendar. (Ayes 5. Noes 0.) (April 9). Re-referred to Com. on APPR.


4/10/2019-A. APPR.


Would require the custodian of each juvenile facility to report quarterly to the Board of State and Community Corrections on the use of chemical agents in the facility. The bill would require the board to conduct inspections of juvenile facilities in the top quartile of chemical agent use. The bill would require the Legislative Analyst’s Office to conduct a study on the use of chemical agents in juvenile facilities and report to the Legislature by June 1, 2021.

Existing law requires the Board of State and Community Corrections to adopt minimum standards for the operation and maintenance of juvenile halls for the confinement of minors. Existing law requires the judge of the juvenile court of the county to annually inspect any jail or juvenile hall that was used for the confinement of any minor and to notify the operator of the jail or juvenile hall of any observed noncompliance with the minimum standards of the juvenile facility adopted by the board.This bill would require the custodian of each juvenile facility to report quarterly to the board on the use of chemical agents in the facility. The bill would require the board to conduct inspections of juvenile facilities in the top quartile of chemical agent use. The bill would require the Legislative Analyst’s Office to conduct a study on the use of chemical agents in juvenile facilities and report to the Legislature by June 1, 2021. By imposing the new reporting duty on local juvenile facilities, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.





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